Thursday, February 21, 2008


Now...where to begin? Well let's see, where can I see a movie that involves lots of blood, really cheezy old school effects, and a great fight scene? Oh wait, a Chinese movie called Riki-Oh (or what we call it here, "The Story of Ricky"). Not only do you get gallons of fake blood everywhere but tons of none stop turning awesome action. Think I may be exaggerating? Hint of sarcasm? Well see for yourself!!!

***Warning, this clip may not be suitable for those that can't see thru the "awesome" makeup effects.***

Here's also the other various clips in the film.


MalmsteenRulez! said...

LMAO! The special effects are so bad that I just laugh =D

Yung D said...

What the hell is that. lol

GaryJ said...

That's special effects at its best!