Monday, March 31, 2008


Super slow-mo face slap! But hey...all in the name of science!


Mixed tape 101

So with the world using ipods, zunes, and other mp3 devices out there, the idea of mix tapes/CDs doesn't seem to exist anymore. It makes me think, what list of songs would you have on your CD?

[15 would be the limit]

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Internet Justice!

So apparently the story is that a guy went away on some event or vacation, and his TV, X-box, and Laptop was stolen. Sad tale but with a happy ending. It shows how an internet community can band together and find justice for one man. Pretty touching...anyways, here's the link to the multiple sites that helped made the adventure possible.

Click here

HAHAHA, now EMO people have reasons to cry!

So apparently there's gangs in Mexico going around beating up Emo kids. According to the Times, this has been going on for a couple of years now. If you wanna read the full story click here. Now...for those who are Emo and are ready to complain, this is more of a awakening.

Do you know how annoying you people are?!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

The guy must've been a Saint!

The Onion reports on a true tale of good deed.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen...I introduce you to Snake Eyes!

That's right...Snake Eyes from the upcoming G.I. Joe movie. Now, I'm not exactly a fan of the 80's cartoon show, but I must admmit, HOT DOG THAT LOOKS AWESOME! This is one of the characters released for the upcoming G.I. Joe film that's coming out next year. And for you fans of the show, you can read on more in here, in the USA today site. Enjoy!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Quick joke!

Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was really pissed.

She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!"

The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.

Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house.

She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.

Bob has been missing since Friday., now I know there's some odd people out there

So there's a site in which people have found a way to unlock or more like "unleash" our DNA to do anything we would like it to do. does one accomplish this goal?'re gonna have to find out by reading their site.

You speaks the truth

I think this R&B song really speaks the truth. I mean come on, think about it. know what I mean. Hahaha enjoy! - Watch more free videos

ok is it wrong to laugh at this?

Come on! COME ON! Is it?

HAHAHAHAHAHA ok might find this funny

I don't know about you...but I laughed.

Oh man...that sucks...

Lefkos Hajji has lost his one chance of getting his proposal right has been blown away, literally! Damn, to lose your wedding ring on the day you're about to propose must've suck. Whatever happen to just plain ol' box, kneel, and ring inside?

Article below:

Honey, will you marry... Oh. Never mind...

Fri Mar 14, 10:48 AM ET

It is the one moment every man wants to get right -- and which London floor-fitter Lefkos Hajji could hardly have got more wrong.

The luckless 28 year-old's dreams of giving his sweetheart, Leanne, 26, the ultimate proposal have literally vanished into thin air.

Hajji, of Hackney, east London, had concealed a $12,000 engagement ring inside a helium balloon. The idea was that she would pop the balloon as he popped the question.

But as he left the shop, a gust of wind pulled the balloon from his hand and he watched the ring -- and quite possibly the affections of his girlfriend -- sailing away over the rooftops.

"I couldn't believe it," he told The Sun newspaper.

"I just watched as it went further and further into the air.

"I felt like such a plonker. It cost a fortune and I knew my girlfriend would kill me."

Hajji spent two hours in his car trying to chase and find the balloon, without success.

"I thought I would give Leanne a pin so I could literally pop the question," he said.

"But I had to tell her the story -- she went absolutely mad. Now she is refusing to speak to me until I get her a new ring."

He is hoping the ring will still turn up.

"It would be amazing if someone found it," he added.

(Reporting by Peter Apps. Editing by Steve Addison)

Rock, paper, and Scissors!

Do you remember the days of good ol' fashion rock, paper, and scissors? Always challenging your opponent to a game that seems to defy the rules of everyday logic? Well now you can challenge your computer to that game in an flash version of the classic game Rock Paper and Scissor! Go won't hurt...THAT MUCH!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Legend of Lego Link

Man...this guy's got some free time on his hands. Not necessarily a bad thing in this case. How awesome is it knowing that this is done in lego but still retaing the audio clips slash sound effects of the game itself!